The day began in an exciting way as we watched in awe as Max moved around in my belly. We saw him shake me like an earthquake. At one point, he rolled over and we saw his rump then his shoulder slide along my tummy. Then again, we don't know exactly which parts they were, but I felt a definite kinship with the movie Alien.
We rode the train and arrived in time to catch lunch before the show. We went to Langan's, one of our favorite restaurants in the city. Not only is the food tasty, but also the waitresses speak with a charming Irish lilt. Both entice us into returning after all these years. We were in a bit of a time crunch, so we each ordered something less fancy than we usually do. Garrett enjoyed crab cakes while I had a traditional fish and chips. The best thing we've ever had there, though, was fish (snapper?) with carmelized cabbage. Yummy.
For my birthday, Garrett bought us tickets to see November. It's a political spoof on a presidential election. Nathan Lane plays an ultra-conservative president. See... it's funny already, isn't it? Laurie Metcalf is nominated for a Tony for her performance. Dylan Baker, Michael Nichols, and Ethan Phillips shared the stage to create a funny show. After having the picture taken above, we saw Metcalf signing autographs. We had incredible seats and were impressed with the beauty of the Barrymore theatre. It was built in 1928 and holds the glamour of the time.
Afterward, we dropped by Starbuck's and spent a few hours in Central Park. From a bench, we watched the people, squirrels, and giant pigeons. We walked a bit before sitting on a rock to watch the children play in the enormous playground. Then we stood in line for the porto-potties--THAT's an experience I never want to repeat. Afterward, we watched a baseball game where the Randy's were kicking Los Cocos' butts, and the latter's catcher, Diablitos, was not a happy camper. Eventually, we moved to another bench and watched the cyclists and carriages and skateboarders.
We wandered to a nearby mall at Columbus Circle. Garrett said the building is where CNN tapes each morning. I was thrilled because they had an Aveda shop and I was able to purchase Rosemary and Mint shampoo and conditioner. I love the smell of that stuff!
Throughout the day, we popped into wine shops to ask them if they carried any non-alcoholic wine. I'd just seen an article about several brands. Really, the only craving I have during pregnancy is for a good red wine. The article seemed fortuitous. Sadly, most of the workers greeted my question with a look implying I was a silly girl who should just go find some grape juice.
We then took a bumpy cab ride to Little Italy. It seems that they have a lot of festivals there in the summer, and we were not disappointed. We ate at Novella's and I still get happy when I think of how tasty it was. We dined alfresco, so we had a good view of everyone at the festival. We also were easy access for the nun who was collecting for St. Anthony. She made her rounds to all the diners. Maybe that was the purpose of the festival??? The tour busses rolled by on a regular basis, and Garrett smiled for the cameras. There were so many flashes, it was like a red carpet shindig. I think Garrett likes the idea of being in so many photo albums. We realized that we'd enjoyed our time past meeting the train, so we made our way to Port Authority Bus Terminal. We'd never caught the bus from NYC to NJ--and it was not easy! When I was almost in tears and had totally given up, Garrett pressed on. Eventually, the guide I'd printed off the internet gave us enough information to find our way. Believe me, we would have asked for help, but the information booths were closed with signs directing us to the other closed information booths.
When we got off the bus, we dodged a few raindrops. Once under the safety of our stoop, the skies unleashed the rain.
It was a good day.
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