Sunday, July 6, 2008

Week 30

According to Your Pregnancy Week by Week, I'll be gaining a pound a week from now on. Our little guy is growing.

Apparently, he can see, smell, and hear as well. I think he's already developing a personality, too. For example, he KNOWS when we're talking about him. If my belly were separated into quadrants from my perspective, I'd not felt him move in the lower right quadrant for a while. Pain, however, was resonating from that area (probably stretching ligaments--you did note the size of my belly, right?!) Movement was going on all over, just not in that area, so it concerned me. Silly, I know. Still, I said, "Max, I really need you to make me feel better and give me some action down there, okay?" Immediately, he did.

Coincidence? Nope. The other day I'd not felt movement in a while, so I asked him to move for me. He responded with a kick. I was so suprised that he'd responded that I asked him to do it again. And again. Each time I asked him, he promptly responded. The final one was weak. I think he was annoyed, because when I asked him to do it again, he didn't. Instead, I felt the swirling sensation that indicates he's rolling over. He ignored me! If he could speak, he probably would have said, "Mooooom." Is this preparation for the teenage years?

Remember the Family Circus cartoons where something goes on in the house and the kids blame Nobody, a ghostly little character the parents can see? Well, a couple of times something has happened around here and I've said, "I guess it was Max." I don't think he likes it. Can't say that I blame him, actually. The last time I teased it was him, he gave me a particularly painful punch.

He can be a little stinker when it comes to Garrett, too. Sometimes, Max will be really busy, and Garrett will place his hand on me to feel him. As soon as that happens, Max stops. We haven't figured out if it's Garrett's voice or the heavy weight of his hand or the body temperature change. Whatever is the cause, he stops moving. Then, as soon as Garrett leaves, he'll start dancing again.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe only 10 more weeks! It sounds like you are doing well. Take care! Love, Christy

Okies in Joisey said...

We can hardly believe it, either. Our final baby prep class is on August 9. So, if he just waits to arrive until after that, we'll know how to take care of him--and I'll know Lamaze!