Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Baby Shower at Lady Mendl's

On July 19, our friends in the area surprised us in NYC with a baby shower for Max. I wondered why my mom and Garrett thought it was a good idea to go into the city on the hottest day of the year so far when they'd been being so nurturing and protective otherwise. I think it was at least 95 degrees--and in the city, that's hot. Anyway, we tromped through Chinatown and then Garrett wanted to go to Union Square. Since he likes hanging out in parks, I didn't think anything of it. Besides, a Babies R Us across the street shone like a beacon because I knew they were bathroom friendly to moms-to-be.

After my pit stop, Garrett encouraged us to walk a certain direction and I saw my friends Stephanie and Alison chatting it up on the sidewalk. I momentarily thought, "Wow. Small world." Then I saw Colleen, Josh, Paul and baby Ellery with gift bags in tow. They yelled, "Surprise! It's your baby shower!"

We then strolled to The Inn at Irving Place, which is an inn that also houses Lady Mendl's Tea Salon. Yes, Lady Mendl's! None of them knew it, but this place was bookmarked on my computer long before we even moved here. I've wanted to go but figured it wasn't going to happen. Luckily, my friends know I'm a sucker for a tea party. I was delighted!

Other than the fact I was sweating like a whore in church, it was perfect. The flowers were gorgeous. The tea was delish. We sat down for a five course high tea and even the boys enjoyed themselves.

Here's a pic of the final course that most of them were too full to touch:

Ellery was adorable in her dress and looked exactly how a little girl should look at her first tea party. Here's a picture of Garrett doting on her.It was a perfect afternoon.

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