Thursday, January 15, 2009

Scrub a dub dub

We arrived late Saturday night. Determined to stay in our house, we hauled in blankets from the car and were relieved to learn my mother had put sheets on the bed. Ah, a mother's touch. We put all of our things in the master suite, which is the size of our tiny apartment back in NJ. For days, I felt uncomfortable venturing out into the other living live...when our little cave was more familiar. I'm remembering what it's like to live in a house again, though. And it's nice.

Even though we've spent every day doing piddly detail things, it's still nice. We've done a lot of cleaning. Don't get me wrong. The previous owners left it clean. However, we had a bit of renovating done, and granite dust combined with grout to sprinkle our new carpet and wood floors. Blech. We've done a lot of cleaning on our hands and knees. Finally the dark wood shines. The rest looks great, too.

Our furniture from NJ should arrive this weekend. We're hoping to have everything ready. My parents have been a godsend. Not only had my mom cooked breakfast for us most mornings, but also my dad has cooked dinner. They like spending time with Max. We like having time to do things. I can't accomplish much when I feel like I need to play.

I'm amazed at the time required to do the tiniest details. We've spent more time and money on shelf paper than I like to think. It's not really shelf paper, though. It's this stuff that you can actually toss in the washing machine.

Which we don't have yet. We ordered a washer and dryer yesterday. Lowe's was having a sale so we went ahead and ordered our fridge, too. The dishwasher should arrive any day now. The rest should arrive on the 22nd. That's when we're supposed to get the cable and phone.

Yes, you read that correctly.

We don't get cable, internet, or phone until the 22nd! I'd forgotten how slowly things in a small town can move. Garrett is in a bit of a culture shock, but he assured me there were things he already liked about living here.

That's a relief because I don't plan on moving any time soon. It's too much work!

1 comment:

Tiffany Cooper said...

Okay...did you move back to OK! Please tell me the answer is yes because that would make my whole week sunny!!! This is very exciting...if you're back in OK that is!