Friday, January 16, 2009

First food

Max tried his first solid food today. We mixed a little milk with organic rice cereal. It was the good stuff, right?


For those of you who weren't present for any of today's shows, we filmed the first one. Many family members had expressed concern that we hadn't fed him "real" food yet, so I wanted to document the event since so many people contributed to the effort. Max's Uncle Brett and Aunt Lisa bought him a special bib on their honeymoon. Among the baby gifts the Calico family gave us was a bowl--and a promise that my cousin Mika would not give him mashed potatoes before I gave permission. (Mika, I'm still not ready.) My mother gave us a little set of baby eating utensils from Oneida that she said were like the ones my brother and I had as babies. Garrett and I supplied the Max.

The first feeding, he was less than thrilled. The second feeding, he lolled it around in his mouth some. The third feeding, he watched Garrett, his Bryant grandparents, and me eat dinner. Then, his Grammy managed to get the whole contents of the bowl down him.

Maybe half a bowl. A lot managed to get on his face, shirt, bib, and floor.

Either way, we consider it a success!

1 comment:

FaithFamilyFriends5 said...

He did better than Emma. It took her weeks before she would have anything to do with (semi)solid food. She's loving it now though and has moved on to, yes, mashed potoatoes!