Monday, October 20, 2008

Washington DC Day 2

We decided to go to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. I knew Garrett would like it, but I hadn't anticipated he'd like it so much. He was my own personal tour guide. I soon stopped looking at my booklet because, after only a glimpse, he'd launch into full explanation of what the thing was and its historical significance.

Even Max was in the mood. Check out his shirt.

One of the most popular museums of the Smithsonian, the Air and Space Museum, has something for kids of all ages. We didn't check out everything because of time limitations. There's plenty to go back and explore.

I spent quite a bit of time in the special room they had set aside for nursing mothers. I never realized what a courtesy it is for places to provide a place to sit in semi-privacy. Max had his lunch while Garrett hit the sights he most wanted to see. Then, we went to lunch in the museum. They offered McDonald's and Boston Market. I hadn't enjoyed a burger from Mickey D's in ages and the fries...well, everyone knows their fries are the best no matter how nutritionally questionable they may be. Here are the boys in the lunch court:

Since I'd been to D.C. before I told Garrett he didn't have to go to the art galleries with me if we could just go to the two other places I really wanted to see: the Smithsonian National Museum of American History and the International Spy Museum. Well, the first is closed for renovations and the second doesn't allow strollers. But here's a picture of me in front of the U.S. Capitol.
Having a stroller was an advantage at the National Archives, though. (For your future planning, an enormous line forms to see all the documents, but if you take the handicap route, which one must do if pushing a stroller, then you get straight to the floor.) The guards oohed and ahhed over Max and then told us to take our time. Neither Garrett nor I could look to our left because hundreds of people were staring at us in the long line. I almost felt guilty, but then I remembered that they could have gone to the International Spy Museum if they really wanted to. So there.

Max slept better in Washington D.C than he does in his own crib. He loves his car seat and stroller. When he got fussy, I just reached over and rocked it a bit and he went right back to sleep. Loved it!

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