Friday, October 31, 2008

Glamour: Order yours today!

Out of curiosity, I went to several bookstores online and typed in my name. I squealed when my book popped up. This is really happening!

Although the official release is November 18, you can order yours now.

What stores carry it?
Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books a Million, Hastings and other fine establishments.

Would you guys help me out? Garrett keeps telling me he wants a Maserati and doesn't seem to believe me when I tell him there are more professional baseball players making it in the U.S. than professional writers. With your help, though, I may be able to get him the Matchbox version for Christmas.

Here's how you can help:
  • When you read the book, please post a review online (I'm all for constructive criticism, but in this case, if you can't say anything nice....) at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Books a Million, and anywhere else that has them available.
  • If it's not on the shelf, ask for it and help me get it there.
  • Let me know if you or your group is interested in having me for a book talk, writing workshop, book signing, school visits, etc. I'd love the opportunity to sell more books and meet people who will actually read them. Contact me at brandi at
  • Remember that Glamour will make a great holiday gift for some lucky tween!

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