My day began with Max waking me up at twenty minutes past midnight to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. He was so excited that he cried for me again just as my head hit the pillow around 12:40. He was so darned enthusiastic about getting the day started that he woke me up again at 4:00 and never let me go back to bed. Of course, I could have shared his enthusiasm if I'd not gone to bed myself shortly before midnight. Poor planning on my part, right?
The rest of the day was lovely. I started the day by feeding Max cereal. As I grew sentimental and thanked Max for helping make me a mommy for this holiday, he grinned. Then, he responded by spitting his food all over me. That activity is his favorite right now, and he must have wanted to share it with me.
Later, my dad marinated sirloin, and Garrett skewered vegetables that were so beautiful they could have been a flower arrangement. We didn't need any more flora, though, because bouquets from my birthday still fill the house with color and sweetness.
I ended the day by reading to Max. He was so excited about his book that he bounced. He bounced so hard, in fact, that he slammed his head right into my mouth. My tooth sliced my lip and I bled. Max turned to me and grinned.
And you know what? That made it all worth it.
So, let me get this straight: Motherhood is tears and giggles, blood and flowers, spit and cuddles, exhaustion and contentment. Yeah, I'm glad Max made me part of the club.
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