Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Day of Firsts

Definite first steps today. He walked from his dad to me. It was so exciting.

While eating real chicken--not the baby food variety--he said, "More."

He slapped me "five" repeatedly. Since he loves hitting things, this seems socially acceptable.

We play a game where we say, "Blow out the lights." Then we blow and flip the switch. Max thinks it's hilarious and usually blows after the lights are out. Today, I asked him to help me "blow out the lights" while we were standing by the light switch. He grinned at me, leaned over and flipped off the lights.

1 comment:

FaithFamilyFriends5 said...

They are full of little surprises that will fill your lives with joy every day. So glad you are experiencing it!