I had so much fun that I forgot to take pictures. And I really should take pics because Max and his second cousins are about the cutest bunch of kids you'll ever see.
I attempted to take this photo while B. was giving a phenomenal show with Guitar Hero. That boy can work a stage. He is the most impressive performer we've had so far. As you can see, he was in between sets when I got this shot.
Max loved seeing everyone. The girls are going to be wonderful babysitters and mommies (the latter a looooong time from now). Unfortunately, they're getting older and have extremely busy schedules. I better snag them while I can. I showed all of the kiddos the guest room, so hopefully they'll come play with us.
Although Max enjoyed playing with everyone, he was ready to go to bed when it was time. We were enjoying ourselves so much that we didn't pay attention to the clock. Little Boe Peep is three years old and a big help. Max began fussing, so she and I went in to change his diaper. Max leapt off the table toward her. She cringed and said, "I don't like it when he's naked."
Once I put him on the floor, he crawled over to his little prayer doll they'd given him for Christmas. We hold it every night before reading our bedtime books. A couple of weeks ago, the doll said, "Amen." Then I said, "Amen." Then MAX said, "Amen." So, he knows the doll is part of his bedtime ritual. He only plays with it at bedtime. I was a dunce, though, and didn't realize it was bedtime until I'd dragged him back into the living room. Then I realized what a smart kid I had! He was ready for bed and we weren't listening to him tell us.
For those of you who follow the blog regularly, you may remember Little Bo Peep giving Max a bottle. She expected him to be the same now. She placed the boppy on her waist when it was bedtime and asked if she could feed him. It was an adorable sight and I felt horrible telling her that he didn't lie down on it anymore and that he could actually feed himself. I told her, "They just grow up so fast." She nodded seriously as if she knew exactly what I was saying.
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