Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Max is on the move!

This kiddo is kicking. I thought I felt him at 14 weeks. When we met with the doctor, I asked him about the little flutters and he teased me that it was simply gas and wishful thinking.

Yeah, I felt cool.

Then, at the ultrasound on the 15th, I watched the screen as he moved his leg and I felt the same bubble-popping sensation. The ultrasound technician exclaimed that he'd given a good kick. I knew then that those increasing movements down there were Max. It was reassuring to know that at least in that respect I'm not crazy.

Last Tuesday, the 22nd, Garrett and I had settled down for the evening and Max began his acrobatics. My hands find their way to my tummy bump increasingly often these days and I thought I could feel the movement on my hands as well as inside. When Max let out a few good kung fu moves, I grabbed Garrett's hand and placed it on my tummy. I knew from the look on his face that he felt it, too. That moment alone made a lot of the difficult stuff worth it.

On Sunday my mom got to feel Max. For a couple of days, he'd be really active, but by the time she got to me Max had settled down. Then he really gave her a good kick. It was one of the strongest yet. Again, I knew she felt it because of the look on her face. Plus, she pulled her hand away so fast it was like she'd been bitten!

We think Max is currently renovating his space. His apartment must be a little small because we suspect he's expanding. I'm feeling sensations further out than I have before. We were at week 19 when we went for the ultrasound and they told us he was 11 ounces and the size of a Ken doll. I think he's getting bigger because some of his movements are stronger. Tomorrow will mark week 21.

1 comment:

Tiffany Cooper said...

Wow, Max is a mover! The first pregnancy is the most amazing because you are experiencing everything for the first time. I wish I could see you with your little tummy:)