Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Giants won! Hooray!

Many of you know that Garrett and I limit our viewing of football games. We generally watch OU/TX, OU/OSU, and the Superbowl. He may feel an obligation to watch a few more during the year, but these three games are the only guarantees.

This year we had an even greater interest in the Superbowl since the Giants' stadium is right down the street. (Yeah, remember, the NY Giants actually play in New Jersey. Fuggedabout it.) Plus, the head coach lives in Park Ridge. So, we huddled around our little flatscreen--gee, we miss our big one--and settled in for the game.

We were not disappointed.

I, for one, think the commercials this year were definitely better than some in years past. The Rocky commercial with the Clydesdales and the dog was great. Those horses always pull at my heartstrings. Remember in college when they'd make their rounds in the Greek circle each year? Ah, memories.

As for the game... it rocked. Especially at the end when I really started paying attention.

There's something to be said for counting your chickens before they've hatched. When those Patriots started celebrating after that touchdown, I remembered our Okmulgee Bulldogs in high school. Even as underdogs, we always went in to win. And we usually did. Even with only a couple of minutes left on the clock. Shoot, that was plenty of time for a couple of touchdowns.

And the Giants knew it, too. But they didn't want to be greedy.

I think we may be a good luck charm around here.

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