Saturday, February 2, 2008

Friday, February 1, 2008

Pizzaria? Sure. Deli? Yep. Bagel shop? Easy. Donut shop? No problem. Diner? Everywhere.

But where can you find a bean burrito? Or those tostados that were so tasty on those late college nights? Nowhere.

We went to a mall tonight, which are prevalent in NJ as I’ve mentioned before. We passed up some nice restaurants in favor of the food court because I’ve been craving a bean burrito. Mushrooms have tasted good throughout the pregnancy, but a BEAN BURRITO was something that has lately appeared in my dreams. Loco? Si. Anyway, on the mall directory, Taco Bell was listed. We raced to the food court and I lost Garrett in the crowd as soon as he saw the sushi bar. But could I find Taco Bell? Nope. I saw several sandwich, two Chinese, one Japanese, one Thai, and one sushi. Unfortunately, the Taco Bell had CLOSED.

This should not have surprised us. At our grocery store, we can easily find a variety of rare foods. However, when we hunted for salsa or anything of the Mexican origin, we were at a loss. Finally, we found a teeny-tiny jar of salsa in the chips aisle.

While still disappointed from my dining experience, we dropped by that grocery store on the way home to pick up some milk. Apparently, our GPS needs to be updated because we witnessed a miracle on the way. A Taco Bell. Right down the street from the grocery store. Within walking distance of our apartment.

Oh yeah. Very bueno.

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