Sunday, May 18, 2008

Glamour proofs are done!

The incredibly talented lady doing the design of my book should have received my final proofs this Friday. It feels great to be finished with it on my end. I was surprised at how many things my editors and I missed in the past. My mom volunteered to proof it one last time with me, and I'm grateful she did. Errors would have haunted me. These aren't actual sentences from the novel, but they are examples of my errors.

Why don't you test your knowledge?

1. The man clinched/clenched his teeth.
2. The front of the tractor with its scooper is called a bucket/shovel.

Answers: clenched and bucket.
Who knew? My mom!

Also, I mention a lot of wildlife in the book. Since I have the black thumb in my family it's not a shocker that I had to research a lot. educated me on capitalization. Scissor-tail Flycatcher, Mourning Dove, and Cattle Egret are all capitalized; however, robin and cardinal are not.

Yeah, I know you wanting to know these little grammatical tidbits. You're welcome.

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