Garrett and I have watched a few films lately. Some of them we'd seen before, others were old but we hadn't seen, and other were new. Here's our take.
Wall-EG's opinion: 5 of 5 stars. Superbly done. Very cute. Wall-E is cool.
B's opinion: 4 of 5 stars. When did kids' movies get so darned depressing? It's like they rip your heart out, stomp on it, then give it back to you with a parting gift that is intended to make it all better. Aside from some of the sad parts, I liked the movie. Pixar knows how to tell a good tale. This little robot flick had a MAJOR environmental theme as well as some commentary on how our society is obsessed with technology with disregard to our health and relationships. Thank goodness it wasn't as depressing as that horrible penguin documentary. I still can't believe people think that's appropriate viewing for children.
American BeautyG's opinion: 5 of 5 stars. An all time classic. A feel-good movie for every man.
B's opinion: 4 of 5 stars. There's a reason this movie received so much hype. The first time I saw it was disturbing. True, the cinematography is beautiful--images linger long after the specific plot line vanish from one's memory. Until I watched it again, I never could understand why Garrett thought the movie was "uplifting." However, I do see that side now. The movie points out the frailty of human beings--weak, but beautiful like red roses--and how triumph can be achieved by overcoming our weaknesses. The scene where the trash floats around in the wind is an image that illuminates this meaning like poetry.
3:10 to Yuma (the remake)
G's opinion: 5 of 5 stars. Keeps you on the edge of your seat. Great violence and shooting. Superb acting.
B's opinion: 5 of 5 stars. Yes, that's right. It's a western, and I gave it five stars. Russell Crowe and Christian Bale are amazing. Their characters are completx and well developed. The entire cast is. I didn't know what to expect with this movie and put off watching it. I recommend you don't waste another day.
Dances With WolvesG's opinion: 4 of 5 stars. Makes the white man look like a real douchebag. Stands With a Fist has horrible hair.
B's opinion: 4 of 5 stars. Great movie. Classic. Too bad it gave Kevin Costner the belief that people want to watch 3 hour movies on a regular basis.
BreachG's opinion: 5 of 5 stars. An extremely suspenseful, true story of espionage.
B's opinion: 5 of 5 stars. Ryan Phillipe does an amazing job of a newbie with the FBI. The scene with his father is poignant. The movie makes one realize that our nation truly is the product of human heroes and is a living thing--which is frightening when one realizes how easy it could be to weaken it.
Get SmartG's opinion: Not seen it.
B's opinion: 2 1/2 of 5 stars. I may have liked it better if I'd not seen
Breach the night before. Similar topic treated lightly. Steve Carrell, as usual, was funny. The Rock always improves things visually. However, although Anne Hathaway was the most beautiful I'd ever seen her, I just can't buy her as a humorist.
There Will Be BloodG's opinion: 4 of 5 stars. I enjoyed the way passion and tyranny trump ignorance. Acting by Daniel Day Lewis was phenomenal.
B's opinion: 2 of 5 stars. Daniel Day Lewis earned his Academy Award. He was gritty and raw and believable. The movie must have been nominated on his merit alone. It lacked continuity. The characters often lacked motivation for their actions, giving no clues to the audience. Enormous time gaps weren't smooth. One day the child is a full grown man, the oilman has weathered hair, but the preacher still has a baby face. What's up with that? The only reason to watch this film is to marvel at the talent of Daniel Day Lewis. As a teenager, I repeatedly watched
Last of the Mohicans to marvel at Daniel Day Lewis, but at least that movie was good.
VolverG's opinion: 3 of 5 stars. I don't like reading my movies; however, Penelope Cruz made up for this. Broke away from the traditional formulaic American movie. It's European in nature.
B's opinion: 4 of 5 stars. The movie was funny, quirky, touching, and unpredictable. It managed to touch on many aspects of the human emotional spectrum--from the gruesome to the sweet.